
Welcome to Church of the Apostles, The Episcopal Church in Parrish, Florida

Our History

On September 15, 2019, the Church of the Apostles held our first worship service at St. Thomas Chapel on the DaySpring Campus. We continued until March 15, 2020, when Covid hit. We changed gears as did everyone else, and began meeting via Zoom on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.

We resumed in-person worship in October of 2020. The weather was wonderful and we chose to worship outdoors on the labyrinth – everyone brought their chair! Palm Sunday of 2021 Bishop Smith came and worshiped with us. We had over 50 people in attendance to hear what was in the future for this gathering of people. 

It was that day, Bishop Smith encouraged us to apply to become an associated body of worship.  It was also on that day our name came to us.  Someone remarked that there were just twelve of us at the very beginning… so why not Church of the Apostles.  I tell you I got holy goosebumps!  The Bishop was excited too!  That’s how we came to be… Church of the Apostles, The Episcopal Church in Parrish Florida. 

Despite this past year dealing with Covid and worshiping via zoom we have seen growth both numerically and spiritually.  We will have our first confirmations this November at our first official Bishop’s visit.

We, the faithful gathered as Church of the Apostles are grateful for the support of the Diocese of Southwest Florida and also for the Diocesan budget that makes this mission possible.   Your prayerful support is also still needed and always appreciated.

We will continue in our mission as set before us at our very first informational meeting when I asked us TO THINK CLEARLY, TO SPEAK BOLDLY SO THAT WE MAY ACT BOLDLY.  I pray we continue to step out in faith and continue to be Christ’s hands and feet in the Parrish community and that my friends, is really exciting.  It’s why I am here. I pray that we dream big… May God bless the work we do as we live into our name Church of the Apostles, The Episcopal Church in Parrish Florida.  We are planted!  Come All are welcome here!

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A Warm, Intimate Faith Community

Little Chapel in the woods, quiet setting, homey feeling.

Kathyrn Eckert

A beautiful church community, just starting up.
The Reverend Carol Fleming is leading this new church development.

Dee Salmon

St. Thomas Chapel

“Given to the glory of God by The Church of the Holy Spirit, Safety Harbor and in loving memory of Thomas N. Fluharty by the gifts of his friends and family Dedicated June 12, 1988”

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